
The School of Wrestling is dedicated to helping athletes, coaches, and parents get better at the sport of wrestling.

We aim to provide athletes with:

  • Elite techniques, training strategies, and motivation to reach the highest levels of competition.
  • Share perspective in the journey of becoming an elite wrestler.
  • Lessons on recruiting, elite competition, and becoming a professional athlete.

We aim to provide coaches with:

  • Elite techniques, practice plans, and training programs to implement at clubs and schools.
  • Leadership training for being a better mentor to athletes on the journey.

We aim to provide parents with:

  • Help on how to guide a child’s journey through the sport of wrestling.


To be discipline-driven, give relentless effort, and strive for personal excellence in all that we do.

We believe that individuals who consistently engage in the sport with these values will consistently progress in their journey to becoming an elite wrestler.


On Participation

We believe that the main purpose of engaging in the sport of wrestling is to develop GRIT, “courage and resolve; strength of character”, in people. Wrestling is a martial art that can develop these traits through pursuing individual potential over a lifetime of participation.

On Competition

We believe that competition is a way for individuals to test themselves and their training strategies against other people. Competition is simply information for individuals to learn from on their pursuit towards individual potential.

Learn more about the Philosophy of Sport from Professor Heather Reid on The School of Wrestling Podcast.

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